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Article: Transient optogenetic inactivation of the medial entorhinal cortex biases the active population of hippocampal neurons.

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Rueckemann JW; DiMauro AJ; Rangel LM; Han X; Boyden ES; Eichenbaum H
Hippocampus, 2016

Table 1. Spatial Firing Properties of CA1 Neurons Remain Intact
ComparisonMean rateMax rate
Mann-Whitney UK-SMann-Whitney UK-S
P-valueU-valueP-valueK-S statP-valueU-valueP-valueK-S stat
ArchTBaseline vs Laser0.83930.20280.76520.04850.56770.57140.82230.0458
ArchTBaseline vs Sham-Laser0.73780.33470.87770.04860.86860.16550.87770.0486
GFPBaseline vs Laser0.29271.05220.20320.09700.78900.26760.95630.0464
GFP Baseline vs Sham-Laser0.95650.05460.99710.03920.88580.14360.96300.0490
Medians (Hz): Medians (Hz):
ArchTLaser (Baseline) = 1.24GFPLaser (Baseline) = 1.19ArchTLaser (Baseline) = 11.29GFPLaser (Baseline) = 11.49
ArchTSham-Laser (Baseline) = 1.30GFPSham-Laser (Baseline) = 1.16ArchTSham-Laser (Baseline) = 12.14GFPSham-Laser (Baseline) = 11.61
ArchTLaser (Intervention) = 1.19GFPLaser (Intervention) = 1.40ArchTLaser (Intervention) = 10.86GFPLaser (Intervention) = 11.93
ArchT Sham-Laser (Intervention) = 1.29GFPSham-Laser (Intervention) = 1.19ArchT Sham-Laser (Intervention) = 11.50GFPSham-Laser (Intervention) = 11.04
Field widthInformation
Mann-Whitney UK-SMann-Whitney UK-S
P-valueU-valueP-valueK-S statP-valueU-valueP-valueK-S stat
  1. There were no significant differences in mean firing rate, max firing rate, field width, or spatial information as a result of MEC disruption. Median values and distributions of medians were tested for significant differences between the Baseline and Intervention periods (Laser or Sham-Laser) in ArchT and GFP rats

ArchTBaseline vs Laser0.17121.36820.15970.08900.66980.42650.95060.0377
ArchTBaseline vs Sham-Laser0.53430.62140.68530.05900.87800.15350.68450.0590
GFPBaseline vs Laser0.07251.79590.32210.08770.21401.24270.48580.0759
GFP Baseline vs Sham-Laser0.52150.64110.97230.04890.60030.52390.46150.0833
Medians (2.5 cm bins): Medians (bits/spike):
ArchTLaser (Baseline) = 21GFPLaser (Baseline) = 19ArchTLaser (Baseline) = 2.07GFPLaser (Baseline) = 2.08
ArchTSham-Laser (Baseline) = 20GFPSham-Laser (Baseline) = 19.5ArchTSham-Laser (Baseline) = 2.06GFPSham-Laser (Baseline) = 2.15
ArchTLaser (Intervention) = 22GFPLaser (Intervention) = 20ArchTLaser (Intervention) = 2.01GFPLaser (Intervention) = 2.06
ArchT Sham-Laser (Intervention) = 20GFPSham-Laser (Intervention) = 20ArchT Sham-Laser (Intervention) = 2.05GFPSham-Laser (Intervention) = 2.09

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